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حل مشكله fix "Task Manager disabled" by Administrator

- 8:35 PM
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 fix "Task Manager disabled" by Administrator 

حل هذه المشكله يكمن في الخطوات التاليه 

من قائمه start
 ثم :
اكتب الامر التالي :


ystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

ثم اضغط انتر
 قد تحتاج الي ان تقوم بعمل ريستارت للجهاز ...

If you're not part of domain environment and one day find 

that you're unable to access the Windows Task manager due 

to the error message below, there's a good chance you've 

been infected with a virus.

You can fix this using the following method:
-Click Start >> Run

- Paste the following command into the Run dialog box:

REG add 


ystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

-Click OK (A restart may be required)

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